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Region Örebo county Region Örebo county

Cultural Residency Tivedstorp

Would you like to meet cultural creators from the Nordic countries in the middle of the woods? Professionals in the fields of dance, circus, music, film, theatre, literature and art are invited to apply for Region Örebro County’s residency, taking place May 21-31, 2024. The site will be Tivedstorp, and the theme of the residency is Village.

The application period runs from January 8 through February 11, 2024
A little farmhouse, flowers in the foreground in blue and fog over the fields

Tivedstorp is a small village surrounded by the dense old-growth forest of Tiveden, only a short distance from Tiveden National Park in the south of Örebro County. The village has existed since these lands were cultivated by Forest Finns, and consists of farms and cottages from the 18th and 19th centuries. Here, you will also find pastures, hayfields, the chapel Vandrarnas kapell, the café Kaffestugan, a two-floor event barn, a music hall with a PA system, and an outdoor dance floor. The hiking trail Bergslagsleden runs through the village, and nearby Tiveden National Park is a well-known destination for hikers.


The participants of the cultural residency in Tivedstorp may choose their own perspective on the Swedish word By – “Village” – which can be interpreted in many ways. The conditions of a village community are different from those of society at large, and its function has historically been different from that of the city. Our Tivedstorp residency accentuates this theme by inviting all participants to a daily dinner, with the goal of encouraging cross-genre conversation and aiding community building. The residency offers an opportunity for sharing skills and knowledge between creators, and the exploration and deepening of each individual practice.

Stipend, food and housing are included

  • Participants will be paid a stipend for their artistic labor, consisting of 20 000 Swedish kronor.
  • There will be daily communal dinners. Only vegetarian food and fish will be served by the hosts.
  • All other meals will be prepared by participants themselves, from groceries available in refrigerators and freezers.
  • Participants will be given individual rooms, but will share a kitchen, bathrooms, common room and various communal spaces.
  • The area has poor mobile and Wi-Fi reception.
  • Participants will pay for their own travel.
  • Participants will bring their own equipment and materials.

Technical equipment

  • Portable PA system
  • Projector
Dansbana eller scen exteriör Tivedstorp

Outdoor stage Tivedstorp

Loge Tivedstorp

Barn Tivedstorp


Tivedstorp offers an opportunity for artistic production, but producing a finished artwork during the stay is not required. We do, however, expect each participant to contribute through public presentation. This can consist of showing an artwork, presenting your practice, or in other ways sharing what you do with the visiting public and each other.

A public event will be held May 25, where each participant will contribute to the program.


Basic conditions

You must be a professional within one of the following areas: dance, circus, music, film, theater, literature or art. To be considered a professional, you need to earn your living fully or partially from your artistic practice.

You must be working in, and a permanent resident of, one of the Nordic countries (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Åland Islands, Greenland).

You must be at least 18 years of age.


The application period runs from January 8 through February 11, 2024. The application is submitted via digital form, along with attached files.

Your application must be complete. Applications submitted after final application date will not be considered.

The following files must be attached to the digital application form:

  • CV (two pages maximum)
  • Examples of two previous works
  • Concept description (one page maximum) – describe how you would like to use your time in Tivedstorp.

Please apply via the form (link on the top of the page).

Criteria and selection

  • We highly value artistic quality and professionality.
  • The originality and feasibility of the concept description in relation to the theme of the residency will be considered in the selection process.
  • There are limited spots at the residency, so we only accept applications from individual creators, not groups.
  • We strive for a diverse group of participants from different Nordic countries and various artistic disciplines.

Applications will be handled by a preparatory committee, which will provide the basis for final decisions. Everyone involved in the process is subject to Swedish administrative law regarding bias. Applicants will be notified of results approximately one month after the final application date.

Public record

Submission of an application to Region Örebro County will make the application part of the public record. In case of a successful application, Region Örebro may publish applicants’ names, information on their projects, and the awarded amount, through their channels of communication. Consent to this is given by submitting an application.


Mirja Mattsson

Utvecklingsledare: Kulturella kraftfält

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Last updated: Wednesday, January 10, 2024

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