Guidance - digital tools and method development
Career guidance has a strong impact on social inclusion as it enables better access to employment, improved welfare and increased competences. It has the potential to play an important role in supporting youth to make well-informed decisions about their future careers. This is particularly true for schoolchildren and students with special needs and/or from socio-economically deprived backgrounds.

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought widespread difficulties in the coaching and teaching field. The education sector has shown great courage, strength and innovative power to face the sudden shift to online and distance learning, career guidance and coaching.
Even though, schoolchildren and students have now marginalised or changed opportunities to take part in guidance and coaching - and students who thrive in a face-to-face learning environment have their chances reduced. As a result of this, staff working with career guidance have experimented with new ways of coaching and interacting, mainly through digital tools and methods.
Many challenges
The challenges identified have been many and at the moment there are big gaps in both theoretical knowledge and best practice in regard to how to create well-functioning, tangible and inclusive digital environments. From this problematic development and extensive needs for increased digital knowledge and, methods and practices – the project #Guidance have emerged.
The project builds it base on combining the Erasmus+ horizontal priorities of social inclusion and innovative practices in a digital era, which goes hand-in-hand with both the identified needs of the project partners and the well-structured activities to be implemented throughout the project.
We will update the information and would like to thank you all that are following our process!
The complete toolkit of #guidance!
We intreviewed 64 career counsellors in five different countries. Upon this, we developed a digital toolkit including efficient and inclusive digital tools for learning and training now and in the future.
This Toolkit increase skills and competence on how to use and adapt digital tools and on the methods to make career guidance for youth and young adults more inclusive. The Toolkit will be accessible and free to use for all, with links provided from national sources and in different languages.
Focus in digital awareness
Guidance is an ERASMUS+ project and focuses in digital awareness and understanding. The main goal is social inclusion and equality in career guidance throughout the education system. Together we are finding out the best way to carry out career guidance by digital tools, now and in the future.
To the Guidance Toolkit (
Download Pdf here:
Project Guidance presents (and shares) - The training package of #guidance!
The survey data collected in the #Guidance project in 2021 revealed that the new digital era during the COVID-19 pandemic had changed guidance practices.
Research evidence shows that the knowledge and competence to manage videoconferencing systems, film and animation programs, and other digital tools is directly fundamental for the quality of study and career guidance.
Adding to the toolkit, the Guidance Training Package aims to promote the transfer of knowledge about creating inclusive career guidance sessions with Digital Technologies.
The #Guidance training pack includes an eBook for training the trainers and a set of complementary resources, including infographics and PowerPoint slides.
To the Trainers eBook (
Download Pdf here:
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The project started 1st of April 2021 and is running during 24 months. The main objective is enhanced conditions for partner countries/organizations to implement efficient and inclusive digital career guidance for youth and young adults.
There are four intermediate objectives:
- Increased knowledge in the project team on how different partners have handled career guidance including digital solutions in the education system.
- Participatory development of an efficient and inclusive digital tool for career guidance
- Increased knowledge among targeted school staff and other counsellors on how to efficiently use and adapt digital tools and methods to make career guidance more inclusive.
- Efficient and strategic dissemination of the project’s results to career counsellors in each partner country.
In the long-term perspectives the project is expected to contribute to: - Promoting social inclusion and equality in career guidance throughout the education system.
- Promoting that more young people and students complete their education and increase their opportunities to get a job.
- Promoting more young people and students make well-thought-out study choices.
- Students are given the conditions for well-founded study and career choices.
- School staff have the competence and tools to contribute to increased choice competence among students, in an inclusive manner.
Increasing perceived health and hope for the future among young people and students.
We would like to find out how people working in the field of guidance are dealing with different digital tools and methods. What challenges have they been facing due to the pandemic, what has been working or not? How do we include our schoolchildren and adults with different digital tools? Are there new innovative methods invented during the pandemic that we can learn from and develop further? When is face-to-face guiding needed?
All partners are inviting a number of people from their own local environment during October and November 2021 to take part in this survey. All collected data are anonymous and will be analysed in the partnership of the project at the end of the 2021. The next step is to share best practice and test some digital tools by involving our target groups during 2022.
Participating organisations in the Guidance project are
- Region Örebro County, Sweden (project owner)
- Competence Sverige, Västerås, Sweden
- Norrköping Municipality, Sweden
- Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Finland
- Lousada Municipality, Portugal
- Stebo, Belgium
- Kekava Municipality, Latvia
- Valmiera Municipality, Latvia

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Last updated: Wednesday, December 21, 2022